Dec 31, 2009

再见2009 年!!

‘09年对我来说没什么特别特别,但也总算还过得可以吧。。只是这年比较懒惰update 部落格而已哈哈! xD
30/12 书斌的生日:干!


也许。。"对不起谢谢" 是我应该说的吧。。。


Dec 2, 2009

cannot la "ppl" start saying happy mooncake festival to me d...dono how many months ago since my last post haha!!again, coursework tests and 'projects' were drowning me xD

Met Mr Kenny Liew today and tumpang him back haha...welcome!! :P
(he still laugh the same way and CRAP ALOT!!)
so sien lerrrrr....everyday go college, lecture, 2hours break, tutorials, dota, go home, sleep.
next day repeat the same thinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg cb...even dota also keep winning haihz....welcome haha!
and before u realize, coursework test is just next week and u have to studyyyyyyyyyy liaooooo.....
must post something before christmas if not after mooncake festival den christmas d xD