Mar 12, 2010

hehe spiderman is making his return wakakak!!
this is not like spiderman in the movie so fake version of spiderman aka me is very the real haha!

hmmm...言一言 一些尽在不言中的事吧。。 =)

We'll start with 2010 since i stopped at new year day rite ;P
new yr eve was nothing special if i'm not mistaken hehe...
then came my final semester exam which ended around end of Jan...something sad happened during the last paper and i feel really not worth it for that friend of mine...even until now, whenever i think about that, there will still be at least that bit of sadness...SIGH!

One week after the exam came my INTERNSHIP T.T
i felt it was damn taxing on the first few days but anyhow managed to survive through the pressure..and after one month of following seniors here and there and doing the little bit of audit work, 4 other interns and i were summoned for the real purpose we were hired for -__-"

the first place i was assigned to

affinbank_sign up gift mug
third place where i spent around 1 and a half week?

For me, currently it is the fourth place throughout the internship but i hope this will not be the last place for some reason hahaha!
It is a 'special' project and our job until today, until this minute when i'm writing this is still the same as what we were taught of on the first day itself..
Our manager could leave us interns there for one week without coming over. Can roughly imagine how is the work d? xD
anyway i am more convinced of things which i aren't sure before this =)

p/s the pictures above were taken from my friend's credit given to u mr vincent choooooow soooooon kitttttttt!

Frankly, i looked forward to this year's CNY very much...dono y...可能是年纪大了吧。。xD
但是这次过年,我发现我比较注意周围身边的人,比较要了解及和他们谈天。也会想要回去看看外公外婆,看看婆婆,看看叔叔的个可爱三兄弟还是不是那么听话。。就连我那些从小玩到大,一年最少见3~5次的表姐们, 我都不舍得了!

By the way, exam result was released last monday..hehe..feel lucky to have maintained my cgpa so that i'd be eligible for advanced dip's scholarship. now i realised studying is much more better than working haha~

u know..sometimes, knowing that u are doing well out there, i feel happy for u..我会在心里默默地说:“加油,陈欣仪!”
Hmm..this is the blog's 99 post!! haha! not bad huh...din expect that it would take me (and partner) almost 2 years to reach the 100-post milestone lol..wonder whether this can enter into Book of record??haha!

Was struggling to decide whether to extend the internship for another month since the project started late and therefore will of cuz end late. So at last, I.....

p/s : finish the sentence or perhaps try guessing?? xD
To be continue! =]

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