Sep 7, 2010

Sometimes, life is just so fullll of seems like something just has to be in between you and wat you wana get...watever it might be..anyhow, i think He had created this world so perfectly that every happening has it purpose to doesn't happen just for fun! bearing this in mind, i try my best to figure out wat's the purpose that the Lord allow anything that fall upon me..
In the end, it'll just make us a better person..there's a chinese proverb that goes "天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤” and i think this proverb is so correct...cuz nothing comes in free without any effort from us...

I'll always remember this -- We are in the process of dying once we are born, the only thing that differentiate us is how do we make this process as remarkable as possible =]

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