Aug 27, 2008


Do you believe in spiderman??? hehe if yes...den there are 2 spidermen
according to MEHSI WR holder, spiderwebs here have produced 2 spidermen wtf !@$##^%$*^%(*^ so lc ho xD
does he mean spiderweb can produce spiderman? if yes den to all spiderman fans out there : attention!!! go get a lot of spiders and make them form webs around ur house keke.....after that perhaps u need to let the spiders to bite ur finger in order to be able to SHOOOOOOOOOOT strings from ur wrist (record holder did not specify how so this is just my opinion) (the blog admin. will not be responsible for any injury caused) (do this under ur own risk) >.<

okay..i was just crapping up there..hehe but WR holder got his point also la..just dat his way of describing sounds funny xD but ppl is record holder must respect abit...the paragraph above is specially designed to suit all ur mehsi needs xD

hmm...went for bowling the day before yesterday...for more delailed info u can refer here
shengko a.k.a. disheng a.k.a. edison a.k.a. EA Sport got his turkey...1st time right?
den miow also got one turkey...fat la both of them...didn't treat us lunch oso xP
for the lunch we ate turkey's cousin a.k.a. KFC !!!
KK a.k.a. Eason and Jason chatted non stop on you-know-wat topic..haih...世风日下....

that was the day before now something about yesterday...hehe change channel to mandarin ok??now posting in mandarin very popular among MEHSI?!?! must kiasu abit xD

在放学回家的途中,下起了大雨...塞车塞到扑街不用说...坐在车后的那两位扑街先生们不只何故好像哭丧似的说起了各自坎坷的爱情路可怜的我又要看着前面的路,又要听着他们的爱情路线...你知道啦两位扑街s 的爱情路多么地坎坷....很难走的咧...简直是高难度挑战勒...作为司机的我当时只有一个表情----->崩溃
那还不打紧..怎知他们说得兴起,竟然说到我这边来 -.-" 在太岁头上动土..下一句你应该会接吧...
又说什么红线啦..黑线啦...剪刀啦...过界啦...真的是世风日下, 这些 21 SX 的东西我哪里听得懂?? XP
当时车上还有岁安 lo ok....dono how to write ur name in mandarin le swee ann xD 其中一位扑街仁兄连18SX的戏都还不可以看的哦...真的是世风日下 -.-"....当天会到家已经接近八点了.....考试就要到了...希望MEHSI gang 的部落格里不会出产太多的蜘蛛侠!!

还有一件很好笑的事...我们的朋友肯妮(KENNY!!!)他最近帮宋禾取了一个在游戏里的名...为了"答谢"他...我们也替他取了一个,叫做 KKKC....至于KKKC代表什么...还是不方便在这里透露..下一个post才告诉你们答案在哪里 xD


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